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Integration of FNMI Perspectives


In ensuring Indigenous ways of knowing and perspectives are embraced, and also in honouring Indigenous student learning styles (Toulouse, 2008), we have planned for the following:



  • Holistic-whole picture to concepts through learning about interrelatedness of all things – one another, our communities and the environment.

  • Opportunities for visual and hands-on activities (learning centers, mini maker projects)

  • Providing ample reflective time for tasks and for answering questions through learning circles, as well, opportunities for small field trips to embrace connection.

  • Collaboration - small group and pair activities (school-wide festival, maker projects, learner centers)

  • Supporting students in their integration of drama and storytelling-based tasks to share their knowledge, learn from one another and teach the school community about their learning experiences.

  • Have an Elder visit to talk about Indigenous perspective/way of knowledge on the importance of the environment and waste. The elder will provide a teaching  about an Indigenous way of knowing that is shared among various Indigenous communities across the world that is centralized around the idea of considering the next generations before making decisions about the environment.

  • Exploring case studies with Indigenous texts regarding Indigenous art and the environment in which students can use as inspiration for their school wide mural art piece.

  • We will work alongside parents to best empower their children, but also bring in various funds of knowledge for all our students. This will be carried through involving parents and families to be part of the school-wide festival.


Ultimately, these build up to the summative piece, which involves substantive conversations with students, parents, and the community, collaboration, idea creation, and participatory learning due to the ample space for student voice, creativity and self-direction in choosing, negotiating and managing their collaborative work on a school wide-level  for the summative school wide festival.


Site Walkthrough

Fall 2019          

Showcase and Unit Plans

Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

EDUC 520 S30-Online   Interdisciplinary Learning           Instructor: Dr. Polly L. Knowlton Cockett            

© 2019 Osaka, Japan TAB Students

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