Week 2
Based on last week’s introduction to SDGs, this week is focused on deepening students' understanding of the SDGs. Students will be given opportunities to look into different SDGs and understand the specific global problem related to each SDG. Students will start with understanding what Sustainable Development Goals are and making direct connections to some proposed solutions for these global problems. Through guiding questions and activities, students will be grouped together and choose one SDG to look into. This week, the learning task is to create a visual piece to present students learning and understanding from different SDG that they focus on. Teachers will discuss the expectation of the learning goals and provide opportunities for various forms of multi-modal presentations. Students will co-create a checklist and rubric together with the teacher to monitor and guide them through this learning task.
Day 1-2 : Understanding the global problems
Sustainable development goals are the solutions to global problems.
Goals = solutions; solutions are used to solve problems.
Online resources/ videos
Assign and divide students into groups of 2 to 3
Create outline in Google Slides
Day 3 - 5: Demonstration of learning and understanding
Learning task 1: Presentation drawing, PowerPoint, Google Slides, etc.
Use digital resources and tools to create a presentation with a story telling aspect.
Guided questions:
What is your SDG?
Your SDG is a solution to what global problem(s)?
The global solution is ….
The global problem is ….
Who does it affect the most?
Why is it important?
Have you completed everything on the checklist?
Sharing circle, Learning Blog reflections and personal goal writing
Students will develop number sense through analyzing data, percentages, and proportions about populations/countries around the world and its significance relating to the development and need of the SDG goals through a social justice lens. Students will look at in-depth solutions from a mathematical perspective regarding SDGs within their groups to better understand the context of the SDGs' related problems and solutions. Students will present these findings through Learning task 1.
Number Sense Outcomes:
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of decimals to solve problems relating to the SDGs
3. Solve problems involving percents from 1% to 100% relating to all the SDGs and their development
6. Demonstrate an understanding of addition and subtraction of integers, concretely, pictorially and symbolically through SDG themed activities.
7. Compare and order positive fractions, positive decimals (to thousandths) and whole numbers by using: benchmarks, place value, equivalent fractions and/or decimals.
Statistics and Probability Outcomes:
Students will explore past data treads and their progression to analyze and make predictions to solve real world problems relating to the SDGs.
1. Demonstrate an understanding of central tendency and range by:
Determining the measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode) and range
Determining the most appropriate measures of central tendency to report findings.
2. Determine the effect on the mean, median and mode when an outlier is included in a data set