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Formative Assessment

Site Walkthrough

Our unit plan contains various forms of formative assessments which are used throughout the interdisciplinary study. Some of the examples below are described in further detail in the weekly plans, are listed here:



  • Self-assessments/checklists

  • Exit Slips

  • Kahoot review

  • Observations and anecdotal notes from class and group work

  • During each learning task, students will be provided various opportunities to give and receive feedback from peers and their teacher. Peer feedback will be shared through self-prompt and teacher-guided components. Teacher will support student learning and working progress continuously during each lesson. From both informal and formal feedback, students will raise questions and solve problems to enhance knowledge acquisition and improve their work in the learning tasks.

  • Unit reviews

  • In class tasks/games- Sorting games

  • Quizzes

  • KWL charts


Class/Group Discussion 

  • As a class, students will be prompted to discuss/debate and share their understanding in class. This way students can learn from each other and receive different perspective about the topic that they are focusing. It is a way to indirectly reflect their own learning process and others and learn more through active communication in the group.

  • Think. Pair. Share

  • Talking circles


Blog Posts​

  • Students will participate in reflective practice through weekly learning log style blog posts. This space will allow students to reflect upon their learning growth and struggles. Teachers will be able to view these blogs and garner a sense of where students are in their learning and adjust plans in accordance. Students will be given various choices in the medium which they can express their blogs


In-class/school presentation

  • Students will have simple in-class presentations to show their work progress and findings of their SDGs. The presentation is a way for the teacher to monitor and keep the students on task. It also serves as a checkpoint for language practice and student language production which teachers can assess upon. 

  • Students will share their learning with the school and the community through a school-wide festival that will showcase all their work in promoting the development of SDGs and ways their school has become sustainable. This will include students' locked room event, card/board game, scavenger hunt, mural, sustainable cafe, infographics, guides/brochure for being sustainable, and may more interactive tasks/events. Students will receive numerous formative feedback from various teachers and peer groups before the showcase.


Co-designed class rubric/checklist

  • Teachers will guide the students and co-create a rubric/checklist for each of their learning tasks. The checklist will help to set the expectation for each learning task in place and is a good reference for students to constantly assess their work quality and progress. 


Fall 2019          

Showcase and Unit Plans

Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

EDUC 520 S30-Online   Interdisciplinary Learning           Instructor: Dr. Polly L. Knowlton Cockett            

© 2019 Osaka, Japan TAB Students

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