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Site Walkthrough

Summative Assessment

Bottle cap Mural


Students will use bottle caps that they have collected to create a bottle cap mural. Students will be engaged in the collecting process while reading and writing facts about how to create a mural. They will also reinforce English reading, listening and writing skills related to this form of art. The students will be guided to create one mural together with their classmates and understand the importance of individual actions that can create to a greater change. At the final stage, students will be asked to create a series of math questions and problems related to the mural and gamify it. Students will learn to use math knowledge and skills to create and solve questions and using them as a way to present to the community and parents at the School Festival where they will showcase their final murals. 


Letter to Principal


Students will put to practice their learning from English Language Arts class on the conventions of writing letters, and write a letter to the principal of their school on how they feel the school could become more sustainable. This give assessment will allow students to practice skills developed in other disciplines, as well as develop global citizenship through taking responsibility of their learning and immediate environments to try and effect change. This assessment will also empower students to use their voices and become activists for what they believe. 


School-wide Festival Showcase


Students will present their interdisciplinary learning with the school and the community through a school-wide festival that will showcase all their work in promoting the development of SDGs and ways their school has become sustainable. This will include students' locked room event, card/board game, mural, scavenger hunt, sustainable cafe, infographics, guides/brochure for being sustainable, and many more interactive events/tasks.



Below is an outline of a rubric that will be co-created with students used to assess students summatively for their final project. This will be modified according to the students' input. Students will be given many opportunities to do self-reflections of their own work using the co-created rubric, as well as peer-evaluate other groups' work. Both self-reflections and peer evaluations will be taken into consideration by the teacher when assessing the students' projects.













Fall 2019          

Showcase and Unit Plans

Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

EDUC 520 S30-Online   Interdisciplinary Learning           Instructor: Dr. Polly L. Knowlton Cockett            

© 2019 Osaka, Japan TAB Students

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