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Integration of Technology


We have carefully planned for opportunities for students to meaningfully engage in technology to purposefully enhance student learning and understanding through an online space in the development of blogs/reflections, research, outreach, creative expression/creation, responsive feedback, and for accommodations/modifications. Students will have access to assistive technology such as Chromebooks, translation apps, visuals, videos, word lists, rewordify apps, text to speech, speech to text, graphic organizers, closed captioning, noise-cancelling headphones, visual schedule and timers to enhance learning.


To embed further opportunities for multimodality throughout our project, students also have the option to represent their learning with digital learning environments. Such include social media, creating videos, podcasts, online blogs, and research exploration. These technologies help with differentiated instruction, personalized learning, and student-centred approaches, as it allows educators to meet students where they are in their learning and make timely adjustments as needed such as using Pair Deck in class. This has proven to be incredibly powerful for large class sizes of 40+ students, and all receiving meaningful formative feedback during class time. Likewise, with VR, simulation programs used in planning their school festival showcase, and online tasks with immediate feedback/scaffolded tiering. Students will also have access to other applications and software that support learning such as: scholarly reference search engines for research, Adobe Suite such as Photoshop and Illustrator for artistic expression and design,  Microsoft office suite and Google Suite for collaborative work on Documents, Presentation, Spreadsheets, Notes, and Survey Forms), Video and audio editing programs are also available for students to use to showcase their learning. These all can help with differentiated instruction, personalized learning, and student-centred approaches.

Site Walkthrough

Fall 2019          

Showcase and Unit Plans

Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary

EDUC 520 S30-Online   Interdisciplinary Learning           Instructor: Dr. Polly L. Knowlton Cockett            

© 2019 Osaka, Japan TAB Students

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